Sweetwater brings young talent to the world of Laekenois, Katie found her love of training animals as she worked with horses, pets in both grooming and vet hospitals. Laeknois, the hidden gem of the dog world, became her breed of choice after a special connection with a Malinois mix. Katie’s girls Sazzy (Hannibal ex Nina) and Nyx (Gosha ex Andes) came from Chiens de Rafale with the goal to preserve the versatile Laekenois.
Katie works with positive methods to maximize the natural talent of her dogs as they excel with complicated tricks and animal acting. She has several movies and many advertisements where her dogs have been featured. Katie has brilliantly captured the essence of the Laekenois with her photography which is found all over social media. Click the logo to connect to Sweetwater’s Instagram
Saz and Nyx have benefited from Katie’s tireless work to add titles to both ends of her girls. Both girls have completed the appropriate health testing. Click on the dogs’ names to link to the Belgian Shepherd Archive for individual full pedigree and health information.
Hoti, Sweetwater What in Blue Blazes de Rafale, Alska ex Sazzy, debuted his first show weekend with 2 Major wins and a Best of Breed over Specials (finished Champions).

Sazzy – CH de Rafale Reve du Debut RN TKE, CGCA, CGCU

Sweetwater What in Blue Blazes de Rafale, February 2025
Copyright: Skibinski Photography