What is CdR?
CdR is Chiens de Rafale. Click About Page for more information
How do I contact Chiens de Rafale?
Click Contact Page and complete the form
Laekenois FAQ
Are Laekenois A Rare Breed?
Yes. Belgian Laekenois in the USA in the AKC registration system there have been just over 300 Laekenois registered since 1995 as of 1 January 2020. This number includes imported Laekenois.
Is there a conservation or preservation program for Laekenois?
Yes, each and every person who owns or breed a Laekenois is part of the conservation program for this rare breed. CdR strives to embrace and include as much of the Laekenois community as possible to encourage all fanciers to do their best for the breed. Groups like the American Belgian Laekenois Association contribute greatly by sponsoring dog sport and conformation events to support all who appreciate the breed.Click on American Belgian Laekenois Association for further information
How do I meet a Laekenois?
Contact CdR by clicking Contact CdR Page and share your location we may be able to connect you with a Laeken close to you
CdR Laekenois FAQ
Are CDR dogs Health tested?
CdR Laekenois at a minimum tested for Hips with either OFA or PennHip, Cardiac Tested, Eyes Checked, X-ray of Elbows. Most CDR dogs are OFA CHIC qualified Click OFA CHIC qualified for more information.
CdR has the highest rating from GoodDog.com for Health Testing Levels

Does CdR have a contract when a puppy or dog is acquired?
What does CdR guarantee ?
Hips are guaranteed against Crippling Hip Dysplasia before the age of 3 years (Crippling is defined specifically in the Puppy Purchase Contract.)
Hearts are guaranteed against against Catastrophic Heart Failure leading to death before the age of 6 years
Does CdR take a dog back if the owner no longer care for the dog due to illness of the owner or other unforeseen circumstance?
Yes, CdR will provide support for appropriate re-homing or take the dog back if there is a need no matter the age
Does CdR require spay and neuter?
Due to the Laekenois being such a rare breed CdR has a preference for homes that are able to keep Laekenois responsibly intact. If the dog passes appropriate health testing and temperament evaluations breeding of an individual may be considered. CdR will stipulate in the contract if there is a disqualifying fault that would require the dog should be altered once it becomes an adult. CdR does not support early spay or neuter for Laekenois due to the developmental difficulty this timing causes.
Acquiring a Dog from CdR
How do I contact Chiens de Rafale?
Click Contact Page and complete the form
What are the criteria for new homes for CdR Laekenois?
CdR is happy to discuss what your needs are in a Laekenois. We are open minded to a variety of home situations for Laekenois. Just click Contact Page